Thursday, December 1, 2022

Afrika Lives!


The Humanities 1 classes are doing research in preparation of Afrika Lives! 

Here are some resources for getting information on your civilizations.

Recommended databases, please use the password "fenway" to access from home:
Guide and Video tutorials to using the Library Databases:

  • BAA Library Catalog.
  • Feel free to check out our Afrika Lives book display at the front of the library! 

Ms. Marz or Ms. Mac can help you with your research, as well as connect with a tutor to help with your writing and art creation!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Native American Heritage Month

 In November, the library will be shining a spotlight on stories in our collection that represent Native Americans, their lives, their traditions, and their art. 

Come check out our display in the library and also take a look at some of these amazing resources for learning about the Native and Indigenous Peoples of our continent!

Click on the Map to Explore the Site

Slate has created an interactive time-lapsed map and data visualization tool which illustrates the rapid loss of Native Lands based on Claudio Sant's Unworthy Republic.

Click on the Image to Visit the Site

And of course, there are so many books available in the library! Take a Look:


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Banned Books Week 2022

 It's banned books week at the BAA library!

Every year, at the beginning of the school year, we want to bring awareness to book challenges and books that have been banned in libraries and schools around the country. Libraries are public institutions that are dedicated to creating access to all sorts of materials from all sorts of perspectives. We fight challenges (or requests to remove a book from a library) in the name of your freedom to read what you want!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Opposing Viewpoints and Controversies

 Hello Ms. Mullen's 10th Graders,

Looking for the Opposing Viewpoints database?

Here it is! 

Make sure to use the password fenway if you are asked for one.

If you'd like some help using the database or doing your research, come visit us in the library!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Humanities 4 Exhibition Research

 Welcome Hum 4, to one of your last big projects at BAA! Here are some resources and helpful links to get you going...

Finding Sources

Recommended databases: 

For finding art pieces and coming up with ideas for your group:
For getting deeper information about your artists, their movements, and the world they lived in. 
Use the password "fenway" to access databases from home.

Video tutorials on how to use the Library Databases:

Getting Writing Help

The library is open and able to help with research, writing, and proofreading your essay! Come join us after school Mon-Thurs 3:00-4:30. You can also always ask Ms. Marz or Ms. Carter for help and we will be there for you.

You can also access the Paper App anytime by logging in with you BPS Clever account. They have tutors ready to help via text and an online writing feedback tool that can give you a head start on revisions!

Creating Citations

  • All articles in the recommended databases will create the citation for you. Look at the bottom of the article for the "MLA Citation".
  • KnightCite will create citations for you if you look up the title of a book or article.  HOWEVER, you should always double check if the citation is complete.
  • Purdue OWL explains how to create citations for all kinds of sources
Make sure you create your citations in MLA style!

Determining Reliability

Use the CRAAP test to decide if a source from Google is reliable:
  • Currency
  • Relevancy
  • Accuracy
  • Authority
  • Purpose
Click here for a blank CRAAP test worksheet.

Check out these other useful ways to evaluate sources.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Check out these Fashion students!!!

 Welcome everyone to CTE Month!

CTE Month is a celebration of  career and technical education. To start our showcase of how BAA prepares and enhances the skills of young artists and pre-professionals, here are some designs made by students in Fashion Technology!


Friday, February 4, 2022

Disney releases the Art of Encanto for a limited time FREE!

 Check out the Art of Encanto from Disney for a limited time for free!

Click the image above to check out the book!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

It's News Literacy Week!

This week is News Literacy Week, a week dedicated to getting informed on how to do research, find credible news sources, and develop skills on evaluating sources of information!

Part of stopping the flood of #Misinformation is searching effectively for factual information. Here's a tool to help.
Developed with disinformation research expert Cindy Otis, 8️⃣ tips to Google like a pro!

You can also take a quiz to see how your News Literacy stacks up HERE

Stop by the library today and ask Ms. Marz or Ms. Carter for more resources!